Debian Vs. Ubuntu Comparison 2018

For a long time, Debian and Ubuntu have been viewed as the best Linux distributions. They have been hitting the top three positions among Linux distributions.

These two distributions have influenced the Linux development in a great way. They have made transformations that Linux needs for prosperity. The current trends show that the two are going to bring forth even greater influences in future.

Although the two distributions stand as the best, they are different in some way. If you take a close study at each one of them, you will notice differences in orientation and even direction.

There have been many arguments on Debian vs. Ubuntu. But we are going to make thing clear here.

At school, your teacher might have told you that Debian is used by experts while Ubuntu is used by Learners.

Well, this is true, but that is not the only difference. There is much more to compare between these two distributions. Not only mere contemporary observations.

When Ubuntu was first released, it was not easy to use, especially the desktop. But after some time, things were simplified and made easier for everyone.

Debian and Ubuntu differ in so many ways. Some of the difference lies in their installation, administration community, and desktop environments.

A critical examination and analysis of these points of difference will help us know much.

Debian vs Ubuntu – Installation

Unlike what was believed in the past, the modern Debian distribution is not hard to install. In fact, it is easier to install compared to other distributions. For Debian installation, you will need to have a Debian installer. The Debian installer concentrates on different components.

These components include voice and graphical formats, expert troubleshooting mode and hardware architectures. With all these components in place, the installation will be a walk in the park.

Well, the Ubuntu installer focuses on 64 and 32-bit versions of Intel architecture. These versions are usually meant for servers and desktops.

But off let, it has transitioned into the ARM development too. Ubuntu offers nine alternatives which can be referred to as “flavors”. These flavors are of different range categories.

One with specific purposes, to the one with different default desktop environments. This makes Ubuntu a little complicated but not difficult.

Whatever alternative you pick, there will always be an installer designed for it. Sometimes when things become difficult, Ubuntu uses a re-branded version of Debian. This version acts as its master installer.

Debian vs Ubuntu – Desktops

The difference in desktops lies in how users install many desktops and when they do it.

In conjunction with its creativity, Ubuntu was able to come up with it’sown desktop known as Unity. This was between the year 2010 and 2017. But with the release of the 18:04, there is an observable return to GNOME as the default desktop.

Ubuntu also has other desktop environments available from the different flavors. These desktops environments can also be found from the platform’s repositories. The desktop versions of Ubuntu are easier to install and use. Every choice is made for you, and thus everything works well.

But Debian desktops might not be that straightforward for beginners. It has a wide range of desktop environments to select from.

Debian is a lightweight Linux distribution. For you to know whether a distribution is lightweight or not, you look at the use of the desktop environment.

Compared to Ubuntu, Debian is lightweight. So this makes Debian a good distribution for old hardware.

Debian vs Ubuntu – Governance and Community

Debian is an organized community distribution. Debian holds tests, and individuals who merit are selected as maintainers and leaders. Major policy issues are usually passed through a referendum.

Decisions on legal matters are usually discussed for long before a decision is made. These discussions are usually carried out in Debian forums.

In comparison, Ubuntu complicated. Ubuntu has a community council and a technical board, but decisions are usually not made in unity. This is because of Mark Shuttleworth, Ubuntu’s founder, who has decided to be a dictator. Mark Shuttleworth worth always overrules major decisions made by the council.

Thus, in the debate of Debian vs. Ubuntu, Debian wins in the section of governance.

Debian vs Ubuntu – Bottom line

Even though these distributions might have differences, their interaction still remains tight. Some people always go on to work for both Debian and Ubuntu. But others have cried out that Ubuntu does not give credit to Debian.

Well, the Debconf conference is a unifying factor for Ubuntu and Debian members.

Debian and Ubuntu are best described as two dispersion in a helpful relationship. With each profiting the other.

Ubuntu keeps on depending on Debian bundles for the wellspring of its own bundles. But, Ubuntu has supported Debian, halfway by developments.

These developments include, adapt, a streamlined bundle installer, and much more. Thus expanding the fame of Debian close by its own. Without this symbiotic relationship, the current history of Linux would not be good.

As seen above, the topic of Debian Vs. Ubuntu is always a hot one. It is a topic of two beneficial entities that seem to be rivals yet friends at the same time.

If you are a beginner, then consider using Ubuntu, but this doesn’t mean that you should overlook Debian. It is important that you master each one of them for your own benefit.