Top 10 Best Managed WordPress Hosting Comparison 2025

WordPress is a leader in Content Management System (CMS) and almost all of the major websites/blogs are running on WordPress CMS and its a fastest growing CMS.

It powered millions of websites and is the most popular tool for blogging, in fact it powers 30%+ of the web, according to data from web technology survey firm W3Techs.

WordPress was initially a platform for bloggers it has evolved into mainstream now which can be made to look and behave as you need, without any technical knowledge.

Due to the sheer numbers of websites using this platform there are hundred & thousands of companies offering WordPress hosting, some are good some are great, and everyone wants great, isn’t it?

Obviously its a tough job for an average person to choose the best WordPress hosting, because there are a ton of things to look at before you can choose the best one that is suitable for your particular requirements.

Before we dive deep in the review section, here is a quick list of top 3 in the list.

Top Managed WordPress Hosting Providers 2025

1. WPEngine - Managed WordPress Hosting Provider – this is one of the best managed WordPress hosting company out there, however as saying goes “quality comes at a price”, WPEngine is the most costlier than any other host in our list. However looking at its features such as speed, quality of support and developer friendly tools, their price seems justified.

Click to see WPEngine’s Hosting Plans

2. FlyWheel - Managed WordPress Host – they make their name in managed WordPress hosting really fast. FlyWheel is good for small businesses, bloggers and hobbyist. They provide affordable hosting with features such as hosting your blog/website with few clicks of buttons! without you knowing much about WordPress CMS.

Click to see FlyWheel’s Hosting Plans

3. SiteGround - Managed WordPress Host – this is the cheapest WordPress hosting you can get on this page! It’s perfect for beginners and websites with small number of visitors. Compared to above mentioned 2 host SiteGround doesn’t provide the quality and tools of a 100% managed WordPress host, but it does gives you options and tools at a unmatched price point.

Click to view SiteGround Hosting Packages

The best thing about WordPress is the comfort with which it alters itself to the huge demands of latest technologies. While several hosting plans will run WordPress, not all the web hosts facilitate to setup, and not all of them assist you when you have problems.

What you should look into a best WordPress hosting provider

Here are some points that you must look into while choosing a WordPress host:

  • Speed – this is very important factor for both website visitors and Google. People are so impatience these days when it comes to browse the internet, if your site takes more than 3 seconds to load, 90% chances of losing that visitor (source). That is why Google give so much emphasis on site speed if your site load faster you are good to stay at top in Google SERP otherwise you will be drop way back in their SERP (Search Engine Result Page).
  • Security – an average small business website experiences 44 attacks per day (source), imagine if you are happen to be one of them! That is why your website’s security is so important. You need to make sure you choose the best hosting provider that provides tight layer of security on their servers (hardware & software), so you can concentrate more on running your business instead of concerning with security issues.
  • Support – if anything goes wrong with your website you need to fix it quick and fast and there are some issues you can’t solve without the help of a technically strong support person available to your help at any given time of the day. Email and/or ticket systems are OK but live chat or phone calls are great.
  • Hosting Cost – you need to take your money spending less then what you are making using your website, if you are spending way too much on hosting only to get best hosting offers out there without looking or comparing what other providers are offering at cheap, then all your efforts will go in vein. After all we all are here to make money, isn’t it?

When looking for the best managed WordPress hosting around, consider going with the one that gives much importance to WordPress and also has a good reputation for their services and obviously the above mentioned points.

At first, determine your needs in terms of disk space, number of domains and databases, number of email addresses etc.

If you have a clear idea about your needs, you can compare various packages offered by different managed WordPress hosts and pick the best one that suits well for your requirements.

Before purchasing the hosting plan, you should compare the amount of up-time that they guarantee with your needs.

The great advantage of hosting your website or blog with a managed WordPress hosting provider is that you can get enhanced scalability, backup of your website, easy updates, security and many more features that isn’t available with a normal web host.

It is necessary that you have to get the best out of your hosting provider, and it all begins with the type of hosting company you prefer to go with for hosting your website.

Here is a quick list of top ten best hosts

Host NameWebsite(s)Monthly VisitsMonthly Price
best wordpress hosting110,000$35
best wordpress hosting15,000$14
best wordpress hosting110,000$3.95
managed wordpress hosting bluehost naNo Traffic Limits$19.95
kinsta wordpress hosting120,000$30
WPX Hosting5100 GB Bandwidth$21
Pagely Host520 GB Bandwidth$199
1&1 IONOS Hosting1na$9

Detailed Review of Best WordPress Hosting Providers

01. WP Engine

wpengine wordpress hostWPEngine is said to be the best managed hosting provider as of writing this review. More then half millions websites are running on their infrastructure and as they claim 5% of the online world visits at least one experience on WP Engine each day! that is extra ordinary achievement from a 8 years old company.

There are a number of hosting packages offered by WP Engine divide into by website traffic, file storage and number of sites that can be hosted. The minimum package starts with $35.

WP Engine costs are too high but you will get unmatched features such as Genesis Framework, StudioPress Themes, CDN, SSL certificates, Development, Staging and Production Environments and WordPress experts tech persons who will keep your site fast and secure.

Looking at its price WP Engine is not recommended for beginners and websites with small number of visitor.

02. Get FlyWheel

FlyWheel - Managed WordPress HostFlyWheel managed WordPress hosting is specifically designed and developed to cater to the needs of sites running on WP. The hosting infrastructure is running on Google cloud services.

They provide some of the features that are not available on any other managed WP hosts. Features that are unique to them are collaboration with team members, transfer of billing etc.

Other features that are included are top level of security with free SSL and SFTP server setup and a custom and easy to use control panel (say good bye to cPanel), from where you can manage all of your sites.

All these top quality features comes at a price that are affordable for small business or even an average non geek person wanted to host a managed WordPress site. The plan starts off at $14/month – single site with 5000 visitors per month.

03. SiteGround

siteground wp hostingSiteGround is recommended by, they are very old player in the hosting business. SiteGround provide both managed and unmanaged hosting plans.

Speaking about their WordPress managed hosting service – they support one clink WP install, managed updates, WP CLI (Command Line Interface), GIT integration and many other features.

Their server up-time is great, some of the stats available online noted up-time as close as 99.99, that is a great number and very few hosts achieve those up-time numbers at an affordable price point.

As of writing this review, more than 2 millions sites relaying on SiteGround’s hosting services. Currently they listed three WordPress packages, starting from $3.95 per month with 10,000 monthly visits, this is the cheapest plan in our list.

04. BlueHost

I bet you have heard about Bluehost if you ever heard of website hosting, whether shared or any other hosting. They are in the business from long time.

Bluehost managed WordPress hosting is perfect for those who are budget conscious and want great hosting experience without spending much on hosting.

Bluehost revamped their plans and introduce some WordPress specific plans with features that you will normally get with expensive service providers only.

Some particularly nifty features include specially built dashboard (you can even manage SEO & social media from within dashboard), 100+ free WP themes, and staging sites. Plus, you can have extra tools that you normally won’t find with any other.

Minimum plan start with $19.95, where you can host unlimited WordPress websites! Suitable for people who own lot of blogs/websites, now you can host all your website under one account without spending too much money.

Bluehost is officially recommended by WordPress.

05. Kinsta

Kinsta WordPress Hosting Review

Kinsta was founded by some veteran WordPress developers in 2013 and soon they become very well known name in managed WordPress hosting business.

What makes Kinsta growth so fast is their dedication to work for a better web – they have WP experts who know WordPress better from inside out.

Kinsta has all the features that you would expect from a managed WordPress hosting provider, things like site speed optimization, high level security, automatic backups, staging sites, quick support etc. are some of the things makes them shine.

It could be said that most hosts offering one-size-fits-all plans tend to provide a service that’s less focused, but DreamHost manages to keep their standards high.

Their starting plan costs $30 per month, while this seems a bit high price for a single site with 20,000 monthly visits but as saying goes “you get what you pay for”, you will get extra ordinary features for your website.

There are many plans for more serious site owners that owns many websites and/or site with millions of monthly visitors.

06. WPX WordPress Hosting

WPX WordPress Hosting Review

WPX managed WordPress hosting is blowing our mind when we saw awesome website speed results from some of their clients.

In fact Mathew Woodward, a famous blogger, did a really detailed review and found that WPX hosting is rocking and blowing down their counter parts in almost all test he done. You can read more about it here.

Their starting plan start with $21 per month, in which you get 5 websites, free SSL, free custom CDN, staging area, and many other features that you can easily shell out multiple when you go with other WP managed hosts.

For the features they offer, that’s one of the best prices around for a managed WordPress host. If you love dogs you gonna really like their “Homeless Dog Initiatives”.

07. Pagely

Pagely Web Hosting Review

Pagely is suitable for agencies with lot of websites and/or huge websites with ton of traffic. Sites like Disney, Visa, Comcast and many other big brands are their customers. Pagely managed WordPress hosting is ideal for high traffic and demanding applications.

They have built their own custom solutions to make the web fast. They have built some custom tools like PressCDN, PressCache, PressArmor and other makes them unique and suitable for high traffic websites and apps.

Pagely’s minimum WP plans starts with $199 where you can host 5 websites with 30 GB disk space and 20 GB bandwidth. Apart from these the plan includes auto WP upgrades, SSL certificate, staging site, GIT/SVN support etc.

Bulk plans covering 15 and 35 websites are available at $299 and $499 per month respectively. Pagely is runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS) so you are surely to get amazing front and back-end performance of AWS.

08. ionos

1and1 WP hosting

1&1 IONOS is well known name in web hosting world, they are in the business from 30 years. 1&1 IONOS offers both shared and managed WordPress hosting with a single payment structure for each.

The managed plan starts with $9 per month where you can host single managed WordPress site with 25GB SSD storage, 10 email and free SSL certificate apart from all standard features.

The Business and Pro plan allows you to host 2 and 5 managed WordPress sites with $11 and $15 per month respectively.

Here are some features that make them unique – data centers in 10 locations worldwide, all data centers in Europe are ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified, 8+millions customer can’t be wrong, isn’t it?


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