Please take some time to read privacy policy for This page will describe how we collect data from you, which ones are automatically sent, which ones we deliberately gather and store and which ones are kept private unless the law cause us to share them.
Your understanding of our privacy policy is important so that we are on the same page regarding the sharing of information on our site. This also informs you of your rights as a user of our page and services.
Collection and the use of personal information from the site
We purposefully get the following information from you, in the interest of getting in touch with you should the need arises:
- Screen name and real name, if ever they are different from each other. This is to identify you in our forums and posts as a contributor of a specific comment or post.
- Content and reviews that you have submitted, with your full consent, so that we can post them accordingly on our pages.
- Contact information such as your email address, which you provided also with your full consent.
There are also things that we collect, albeit automatically and as a natural consequence of a running web page (just like any other standard web page out there):
- Your IP address used
- The referring and the exit pages into the web site
- Your browser type and its version
- Your operating system used and also its version
We do not take for granted the information that we get, like those mentioned above. As we aim to continuously improve our service, we use them to:
- Reply to your comments and emails
- Publish whatever comment or post that you want to appear on our site
- Enhance our services and products to better fit your usage patterns
- Improve our advertising and marketing strategy
Opt out/Choice
We do not send out emails regarding our marketing of new and existing products. Currently, this is not our style and we haven’t authorized anyone else to represent us via marketing emails. Therefore, all other emails that you will be getting from us are automatic responses from something that you have sent or as a result of an action you’ve made on the website. This is absolutely essential for us and thus, you cannot opt out of these mails.
If you have issues regarding this, please email us at info{at}
Information from Third Parties
We also get information from third parties. We also treat the information that we get from them, the same way we treat those that we gather ourselves. We have third party companies working on specific areas of the website to help us run efficiently and your information that you gave to them is therefore passed on to us.
Information Sharing
We know you value your privacy and we do not publish or share your information to anyone else. We do not do email marketing and we respect your privacy so as not to share your contact details to other companies who might send you marketing emails, too.
However, there are special cases where we must give your contact details and other pertinent information. These special cases may include:
- The summoning of information from the court of law, in the case of a subpoena.
- Fraud cases. In the general interest of the public, we may sometimes share information regarding a particular user to serve as a warning.
- A company merger or acquisition where it may be necessary to share to the involved parties (not publicly) the identity of specific users.
- With your consent, we will share the information needed, that you have previously shared with us.
Tracking Technologies, Cookies
Cookies are used to track your preferences in using our website. These cookies are tracked and managed by a third party company. We also use:
- Web beacons
These are used to track your usage of our pages, to let us know which ones are used and which ones are not so relevant. - Links to external web sites
We do not automatically endorse nor are we affiliated with the websites that we link to outside of the page. These must be taken as is.
We do not promise your 100% security while on the site, but we do take care of our pages and its content, to the best of our abilities.
If you have any concerns regarding this, you can email us through [email protected].
Additional Policy information
We reserve the right to update and if needed, change the information written on this privacy policy statement. Please check back if there are updates periodically.
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Email: info{at}