Reseller Hosting is a new kind of hosting that allows customers to start hosting business by reselling the allotted disk storage space and bandwidth to their local customers. The main goal of any web hosting companies is to expand their hosting business with millions of websites hosted in their data center.
A web host with the maximum number of domains hosted in their own hosting server is generally named as the best and high reputed web hosting company in the world. It is impossible to reach the people in all the countries directly, but with the help of the resellers, a web host easily earns more number of local customers.
Nowadays, Reseller web hosting program is really a popular business and the best way to make money online.
Typically, freelancers and webmasters prefer to do this business in their part time. There are enough records to prove that reseller hosting business is really more profitable business in less investment of time and money.
Anyone with good web hosting knowledge to manage domains and resources effectively using the given control panel is eligible for this business. Some of the most popular reseller hosting control panel are WHM/cPanel, DirectAdmin, Plesk, H-sphere, and Webmin. Many top web hosts help the resellers in many ways by providing proper guidelines to expand hosting business and freebies to attract local customers. This adds more value to the plan, but it is necessary to make sure that you have purchased best reseller hosting plan for your budget.
Only few web hosting companies offer reliable hosting service and good customer support to resellers. When it comes for starting hosting business, reliability of the server is a most important concern and make sure that the chosen web host is good in providing no downtime service using high performance giving hosting server.
Instead of looking for the cheap reseller hosting plan, it is better researching on the reliable web hosting providers with good customer ratings and positive user reviews.
Two main types of web hosting used for reseller program. They are Windows Hosting and Linux Hosting; both are widely purchased by the resellers for starting hosting business.
Windows Reseller Hosting
The powerful Microsoft Technologies run only in Windows Web Hosting platform with good scalability. There is a huge growth of Windows reseller hosting businesses due to the increased popularity of Visual Basic applications and DotNet technologies such as ASP.Net, VB.Net, and more. The famous Linux based reseller control panel – WHM/cPanel is now under development and expected to be released soon near future to manage domains and resources hosted in Windows platform.
Linux Reseller Hosting
Majority of resellers wants to provide Linux based hosting services because of the high demand for using open source technologies rather than Microsoft Windows technologies. Linux Reseller Hosting platform is reliable for many powerful open source scripts with good support to PHP, MySQL, Perl, and few more.
Both Linux and Windows Reseller Hosting has their own merits and demerits. Resellers can choose any of these or both, depends on their need and budget price allotted for starting reseller hosting business.