Are you about the start a new web design or user interface design? And looking for free web design icons? You have come to the right place! We have compiled a list of 15 freely available icons sets you can use in your web design.
Icons make the web design or UI design look more professional, eye catchy and it also grabs the readers’ attention, without icons the design looks pretty boring and dull. There are ton of icon types, social media, eCommerce and many more and finding the free web design icons set is a tough job for busy web developers. We have eased your job by collecting the best icons sets for you next user interface or web site design project.
Here is the list in no particular order.
1. Free iPad Mini UI & Flat icons
2. Rounded design free icons set
3. Shopping cart icons set
4. Flat with shadow effect icons
5. Free line icons set
6. Free social media icons set
7. Silky mobile apps icons set
8. World flags icons set
9. Science vector icons set
10. Electronic devices icons set
11. Simple and beautiful web design icons set
12. Android app setting icon set
13. Stroke icons set
14. Best eCommerce icons set
15. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) based vector icons