In order to create a good looking website or blog, you have to purchase a quality web hosting service to host it. As there are thousands of hosting companies to choose from, acquiring a good company will be a challenging task. But once you check out this Bluehost review, you will feel that it is an ideal web host to go with. Bluehost was established in 1996 and it is still going strong by competing with industry’s top web hosting providers. This company has received many awards and reputations that further increased its popularity in the industry.
Hosting Packages
Bluehost is probably one of the best web hosting providers as it offers affordable as well as high quality hosting service. The first thing a Bluehost review needs to look at is the packages offered by the provider. Bluehost keeps it simple by offering only one package. It is a linux shared hosting package which is priced at $4.95 per month. With a bluehost coupon, you can claim for discount on the regular price.
Their single coverage plan provides unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited email accounts, ability to host an unlimited number of domains, CGI, PHP, FTP, cPanel, 50 MySQL Databases, Fantastic scripts, drag and drop site builder, and so on. This package is inclusive and provides support for every technology most users will need including multimedia and eCommerce features. You need to pay to get additional features such as extra domain names, SSL Certificates, a dedicated IP address, Mail Filtering and Domain Privacy.
Bluehost Server’s Performance
Bluehost excels in terms of performance by offering 99.9% up-time which is quite impressive. This is the guaranteed amount of up-time from the provider, and if your website experiences any downtime in any given period of time, then you will be allowed to enjoy free hosting for a month.
They use modern quad servers to host the websites, backup generators, mirrored backups, and 24/7 monitoring. Their quad processor Opteron servers are not only much quicker than most competitors’ servers, they are also trustworthy. provides all these to make sure that their performance is top notch. Moreover, they also provide a super fast internet connection i.e. 2 GB per second bandwidth.
Bluehost Control Panel
Bluehost uses the cPanel control panel, which comes loaded with many awesome features. This control panel is considered to be the most popular among the users. The cPanel allows the web administrators to easily navigate and configure their hosting accounts. Along with this control panel, BlueHost also offers Fantastic which helps users to install a number of software packages according to their requirements. Fantastic is indeed a fantastic tool which is loved by all webmasters, and it adds more value to BlueHost’s packages.
Bluehost Customer Support
Since Bluehost has been in the web hosting industry for several years, they know how to treat their customers and how to satisfy them. They maintain 24/7 customer support through phone (toll-free), email, and live chat. Their support staffs are knowledgeable and experienced who can handle the customers’ problems smoothly and deliver them appropriate solutions for their issues.
Bluehost’s help center incorporates user-friendly tutorials, abundant number of informative articles, and customer forums that help customers to communicate with each other and share their experiences. Their customer support is considered to be one of the greatest in the web hosting arena, and all their customers are well satisfied with the level of assistance offered to them.
Being a veteran company that was founded more than 15 years ago, Bluehost has been offering reputable services to customers. This is the reason why they have got infinitive number of clients all over the world.
Their service looks promising and undeniably Bluehost will rock in the future too. If you are looking for a quality hosting service at a reasonable price, then you have to consider hosting with Bluehost.