Plesk vs cPanel

Plesk vs cPanel: Is cPanel is better than Plesk?

cPanel and Plesk are the two most popular hosting control panels in the world. Chances are, if you have ever opted for a hosting account, then one of these two will be at the...
How to Install Nagios on Centos, ubuntu, rhel

How to Install Nagios & Configure it on CentOS 7

Nagios also known as Nagios Core is one of the oldest free and open source application used for monitoring Servers, network infrastructures, applications and boasts one of the most comprehensive monitoring...
Most Expensive Domain Names

20 Most Expensive Domains of all time

Internet domain name (website url) are one of the first thing you must get before you can appear on internet, and getting the name of your choice is really difficult, it’s...
Install OpenVPN CentOS 7 Easy-RSA 3

How to Install OpenVPN (Easy-RSA 3) on CentOS 7

Why OpenVPN with CentOS A VPN (Virtual Private Network) enables you to create a secure connection to a remote network over the Internet through a virtual encrypted tunnel. By routing the internet traffic...
Best Game Server Hosting

Top 10 Game Server Hosting Provider Reviews 2020

Are you planning to host your own game online? And wondering what a game server is and where to get one for you to host your game? If someone is telling you...
Best WordPress Hosting

Top 10 Best Managed WordPress Hosting Comparison 2022

WordPress is a leader in Content Management System (CMS) and almost all of the major websites/blogs are running on WordPress CMS and its a fastest growing CMS. It powered millions of websites...
Nginx Load Balancing HTTPS

Nginx Load Balancing HTTPS: How to Configure in CentOS 7

Nobody likes a slow website, does you? the internet users are getting impatience by every passing day and don't want to wait even for few seconds to load the website in...
Cheap & Best Shared, Private Proxies

Top 10 Best Shared, Private & Dedicated Proxies to Buy in 2019

While you may think that everything you do on the Internet is private and no one knows who you are when you visit all of the websites. The truth is you...
How to Install Arch Linux UEFI

How to Install Arch Linux – Step by Step Guide

There are many flavors of Linux distribution one of them is the Arch Linux. Which is very versatile, simple and cutting edge OS. It’s more suitable for advance users, but it’s...
Open Source Monitoring Servers

7 Best Open Source Monitoring Tools for Network & Server Admins

IT infrastructure monitoring is very important and critical task these days thanks to the digitization. Due to the various services going down people face lot of difficulties in their daily lives...