VPS Hosting

Virtual Private Servers (VPS) are the servers that offer the environment of a dedicated server within a shared server. The price would be lesser when compared to dedicated hosting, and its...
Xen vs KVM Virtualization

Xen vs. KVM: Comparison Reviews

Are you planning to setup a virtualization environment and wondering which virtualization to use - Xen or KVM? Without going into Xen vs. KVM debate, this guide will help you understand each...
Rsyslog Server Setup in Linux Ubuntu

How to Setup Rsyslog in Ubuntu 16/18

Rsyslog is a high performance and secure logging system that has started its journey as a regular syslog daemon and evolved into one of the powerful logging systems in most of...
IPTables Config & Chains Examples

20 Frequently Used iptables Examples (Linux Firewall)

The iptables is a command line tool that is built on the top of kernel framework called Netfilter. The netfilter framework empowers one to allow, drop or modify incoming and outgoing...

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